Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To Do List Update!

I did not even come close to completing my before Christmas/New Years to do list. But I did get a couple a things done or at least started. Over the next few days I will post pictures and updates on what I've been working on. Below is the list and where I am at on each item.

1. Knit Mittens-Done
2. Sew two dressed for work-fabric has been purchased...and that is all.
3. Make a plan for backyard-we have a vague plan but won't be able to do much until spring.
3. Secret knitting project-Done, post to come.
4. Surprise sewing project- Done
5. Secret knitting project-Done, post to come.
6. Knit a sweater-In progress, I will post a couple of pictures!
7. Finish bedspreads & bed skirts for both beds- One is Done, post to come. One is in progress.
8. Make new pillows for couch-In progress.
9. Paint and spruce up bedside tables-Done, post to come.

I, of course, will continue to add things to my list. . .hints the name of this blog. So, check the side bar for updates and additions. Also, one of my goals is to post a bit more frequently in 2011 ( I don't think I will add that to my to do list though).
Wish me luck!

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