Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Yard: Part III

The yard accomplishments we made this weekend aren't stunning to look at but . . . I feel we got quite a bit accomplished, especially since we were only able to work on Saturday.

Here is what we did:

1. Removed the rest of the black edging!
2. Finished filling the garden with soil and compost.
3. Finished digging out the side of the front flowerbed.
4. Added and enriched soil in back flowerbed.
5. Planted Cosmos seeds.
6. Removed unfinished railroad tie boarder from the front of house. This one is a big enough deal I'll throw in a couple of before and after photos. We plan on leveling the bed and putting some type of edging or border around it.

Railroad ties



It rained Sunday morning which is AMAZING, the precipitation totals for March and April so far were .05 inches. Hopefully, this will green up the yard a bit and really get the Cosmos growing.

*Our previous yard posts are here and here if you are wanting to check-out any of the work we've already done*

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Yard: Part II

Our last two weekends have been filled with yard work, sun and wind. After this last weekend I feel we are starting to make progress! Here are some updates. . .

First, I have been working on removing the world's ugliest and most corroded plastic edging. It is along all of our sidewalks and was put in POORLY, making it harder to remove. I have gotten about 1/2 of it out but it is slow going.

Next, we gave the bushes along the side of the house a little trim. We may have to do more later but it is a start.

*I would like to note, the black edging use to be all along this sidewalk.

Then, we continued on by cleaning out the back flowerbed. I don't have a before and after comparison (I forgot to take a picture when we started) but imagine tons of weeds, grass, rocks and weird holes.

THEN, it was on to extending the front flowerbed. We still need to work on the side area (see bush-trimming pictures) and remove, plus replace the unfinished railroad tie edging but my shoulders and back are aware of the what we have accomplished.

Finally, we are on to the big project! Jerod built the frame for our raised-bed garden. I held things during the assembly but Jerod did 90% of the work. Eventually, we will make at minimum one more bed but that may not happen this year.
We will be filling the bed with a soil and compost mix. Since, our compost isn't ready for use yet we will be getting all that we need from the City of Norman Compost Facility (I think it's cool that this option is available through our city government).

We were so pleased with our work that Jerod took me here for a tostada and beer, both of which I was very glad to have!
Now on to planting and a fence. . .wish us luck!

*If you want to check out our first big yard project you can find it here.*