So. . . Here is the story of my bathroom fail. Inspired by all of the
amazing stenciled walls I have being seen around the internet I decided to FINALLY spruce our bathroom up and thought this would be a great, practical, and affordable way of doing it.
Okay, Hold on. . .let me back up. I have been at a loss on what to do with our bathroom since the day we bought our house. We have a one bathroom house but the room is large and strangely shaped.
It is extremely hard to take pictures of the room as it is very long and narrow to begin with and then gets bigger towards
the back.
Here is a pre-spruce-up shot. Please forgive the bad lighting.
For some reason this room froze me with indecision. I guess I was use to living in places with either so little room that beyond towels and a shower curtain styling wasn't an option or they already had a strong focal point of color theme (i.e. the pink tile in our C. Springs duplex[still my favorite bathroom of all time]). After two years of staling I hatched my stencil plan.
I decided gray walls with a white ceiling and white stenciling would look great with bright towels and a bright rug! And so I began. Last Friday I spent the day painting the ceiling and walls and things went pretty well.
Here is the gray walls waiting for stenciling.
My plan was to take Jerod to work Saturday morning and begin the stenciling. I hoped to get half the room done that day before we went to a friends cook out late that afternoon. Five or so hours later about 1/8th of the room was done and not looking to good at that.
We have freshly textured walls which I originally thought might be problematic for stenciling but I read/watched about a million and a half tutorials on stencils and textured walls and thought "I'm handy, I can make this work". I tried techniques using a small foam roller, a paint brush, and dabbing with a sponge. There was a lot of bleeding around the edges with all of these. I used adhesive, I used tape, I used my hands, it wasn't looking good.
It looks better here than it really looked. I was still a hopeful though.
At this point I thought I was just frustrated and with a little touch up and sleep things would get better. The next morning I finished the area around our cabinet and sink and put the light fixture and mirror back up to see how I would feel about it when all was said and done, unfortunately, it just wasn't working. Jerod agreed. Jerod it very easy going about two things, my decor choices and food, if he dislikes either it must be really bad.
And thus Sunday went from stenciling to painting the whole bathroom white.
And the cover-up begins.
It was so disappointing to paint over all of this work. But sometimes things just don't work out. The best laid plans. . .I guess. I was not this calm on Sunday.
I am holding off to show you all the white bathrooms as I have new plans that I think will work out. These plans do not involve any additional painting!!!! Expect some glamor shots soon.
I would like to say that I still think this would look great but. . .it just didn't work out for me. I bought our stencil through
Cutting Edge Stencils and they got my stencil to me in a super timely fashion and it was a good quality. I just wasn't able to make it work with our walls and our space. I am going to hold on to it and hope that the perfect, non-textured stencil spot opens up in my life.
*It needs to be noted that I was not payed or perked for this post. My
promotion or mentioning of these products or vendors is solely because I
think they are cool.